B737NG Flashcards Study Guide Features:B737NG FLASH CARDS:The B737NG flash cards include B737NG Memory Items, B737NG Limitations, B737NG Check Ride Oral Questions and Answers, B737NG Aircraft General Information, B737NG FMC Data, B737NG Warning Systems, B737NG Electrical, B737NG Fuel System, B737NG Hydraulics, B737NG Random Questions, Air Systems, Pressurization, Flight Controls, Ice & Rain Protection, Engines, Landing Gear & Brakes, Ground Power/Bus Trans Panel, Oxygen Panel, Window & Probe Heat Panel, Air Conditioning Controls, Primary Flight Display, Flight Recorder, Exterior Door Lights, PSEU Switch, Stab Trim Switch, Center Pedestal, Overheat/Fire Protection Panel, AC/DC Metering Panel and more!
B737NG ZOOMABLE COCKPIT PANELS include:B737NG Forward Instrument PanelB737NG Center PedestalB737-800 Overhead Panel
B737NG MEMORY ITEMS include:APU FireAborted Engine StartRapid DepressurizationEngine Fire or DamageEngine OverheatEmergency DescentEngine Surge or Stall
B737NG CALCULATORFlight Planning Calculator for easy and fast conversion of:Foot - MetreNautical Mile - Statute MileNautical Mile - KilometerInch - MetrePound - KilogramGallon (US) - LitreGallon Imp.) - LitreFahrenheit - CelsiusPressure inHG - hPAGallons - LBSKnots - MPH
B737NG FLIGHT PLANNINGFile a Flight Plan or Check Weather all around the world with web links inside the app.
ZULU TIMEA running zulu clock is installed on the FLIGHT PLANNING page.This app offers pilots a fast & easy way to study on the go!
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